Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Christian Church. We are a parish strongly committed to the belief that the Holy Orthodox Church is the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Our parish is part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America under the Patriarchate of Antioch where St. Luke in the Book of Acts tells us the believers were first called “Christians” (Acts 11:26). We are part of the global Eastern Orthodox Church community, as there are over 250 million Eastern Orthodox Christians in the world today and over 1 million in the United States.

Whether you are “on a journey” or just wanting to visit a local Orthodox parish, you are always welcome at Saint John the Baptist. We are always honored to have visitors join us for prayer and worship. We invite you to join us for one of our liturgical services – services that have been part of the worshipping tradition of apostolic Christianity since the era of the “early Christian Church.” We are a growing parish with many young families. We invite you, come and see…

“And The Disciples Were First Called Christians In Antioch” (Acts 11:26)

Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!

Our Vision 

Receive and Share the Light of Christ 

Our Mission 

Proclaiming, Living, and Teaching the Gospel in accordance with the Orthodox Christian Faith

Service Schedule



Nine AM Orthros, Ten AM Divine Liturgy



Six PM Vespers 
Six PM Great Vespers
Service Texts

To View or print the text for services click here

Calendar of Events

To see all upcoming events, click here

Current Bulletin

For the latest events and engagement opportunities, click here

Our Metropolitan Saba

Interview Part One with Met. Saba click here

Interview Part Two with Met. Saba click here

Met. Saba’s Teaching Part One click here

If you have never attended an Orthodox service, Click here to learn more