2022 Holy Week Schedule

Friday, April 1fth

9AM Orthros and Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for Lazarus Saturday

6PM Cannon for St. Lazarus

Saturday, April 16th

9AM Orthros and Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for Lazarus Saturday

11AM Decorate for Palm Sunday

6PM Great Vespers for Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 17th

9AM Orthros 

10AM Divine Liturgy for Palm Sunday

6PM Bridegroom Orthros for Holy Monday

Monday, April 18th

9:30AM Presanctified Liturgy @ Christ the Savior

6PM Bridegroom Orthros for Holy Tuesday

Tuesday, April 19th

9:30AM Presanctified Liturgy @ Christ the Savior

6PM Bridegroom Orthros for Holy Wednesday

Wednesday, April 20th

9:30AM Presanctified Liturgy @ St. John the Baptist

6PM Holy Unction @ St. John the Baptist

Thursday, April 21st

9AM Orthros for Holy Thursday, followed immediately by Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great for the Institution of the Mystical Supper of Christ

6PM Orthros with the Twelve Passion Gospels for Holy Friday

Friday, April 22nd

9PM The Great (Royal) Hours and Typika on Holy Friday with tomb decorating

3PM Great Vespers for Holy Saturday, the Taking-down of Christ from the Cross

6PM Orthros with the Lamentations for Holy Saturday

Saturday, April 23rd

10AM Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (Baptismal Liturgy)

11:30PM Vigil of Pascha (Midnight Office, Resurrection Rush, Paschal Orthros, Paschal Divine Liturgy

Sunday, April 24th

1PM Agape Vespers with Gospel Readings

2PM Parish Picnic (following Agape Vespers)

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!