St. John has initiated a Parish Ministry Team program as an effective way for our parish to organize our efforts and focus our work, providing opportunities for each individual to recognize parish and community needs and participate in addressing those needs. The program can be defined in the following way:
A cooperative way of promoting lay ministry that relies on the God-given talents and
capabilities of both the laity and clergy to do God’s work in the church, using teams.
The Parish Ministry Team Program provides a structure that is a catalyst for promotion of lay ministry and this team approach has been proven effective in achieving the overriding goal of total parish involvement.
Parish Ministry Teams Have the Following Potential:
- Renew and extend the faith and service of the worshipping community
- Engage the cooperation and involvement of the laity in the mission of the Church
- A way to utilize the untapped talents within a parish and thereby allow for individual and parish renewal and self-evangelism
- Allow for greater community presence and involvement
- Assist the parish in fulfilling its mission
*Excerpts from The Fellowship of St. John the Divine of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, Parish Ministry Team Resource Handbook
We have identified 10 teams and are filling the team leader roles. Once mission statements have been written for each team, team members will be recruited and an initial team meeting will be set up to discuss the mission statement and team goals for the year.
“I have told you many times that the Church is not the bishop alone, nor is it the clergy or the laity alone. The Church is the bishop, the clergy and the laity working together as a beautiful symphony for the glory of God”
+Metropolitan PHILIP
Parish Ministry Teams:
- Antiochian Women – We welcome women from the ages of 19 to 99, and urge you to join us in our ministry, remembering that EVERY woman in the Antiochian Archdiocese is an “Antiochian Woman”!
- Bookstore Team – The St. John the Baptist Parish Bookstore exists to provide materials for education in the Orthodox faith (books, videos, CD’s and classes), gifts, liturgical supplies and items for special occasions such as baptisms, weddings, etc. Using an operating budget, all monies above operating expenses (i.e. profits) from the bookstore will go to the parish general fund.
- Building & Grounds – Development Team – The Buildings and Grounds Development Parish Ministry Team attends to the improvement of Parish buildings and grounds and coordination of contractors for major repairs, including beautification efforts and expansion. Teams will be created on an as needed, ad hoc basis.
- Building & Grounds – Maintenance Team – The Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Parish Ministry Team attends to the maintenance and repair of Parish buildings and grounds. The team coordinates such efforts as general maintenance, janitorial work and supplies, landscape maintenance and gardening (includes cemetery maintenance).
- Christian Education Team – The Christian Education Team’s mission is one of total Parish education. This is accomplished through the development of classes and other educational events that build Christian community and Christian knowledge.
- Financial Team – In addition to drawing up the annual parish budget, issuing all checks and keeping all financial records, the Financial PMT reviews all proposals presented with the mindset that they should be approved if they meet certain criteria which includes determining the cost of the proposal, presenting it to the Parish Council and/or the general parish revealing both its beneficial and non-beneficial ramifications.
- Evangelism Team – As its name suggest, this PMTs goal is sharing the gift of our Orthodox faith within our surrounding community, including arranging speakers, working with iMinistries to create media for outreach, etc. This team also oversees our Greeters team.
- Hospitality Team – Overseeing everything from our weekly Sunday lunches to food for special events, this PMT includes many parish members.
- iMinistries Team – Existing to promote the visibility of Orthodox Christianity and St. John’s to our community, as well as to streamline communication within our parish, this PMT oversees all electronic media (including the church website, audio, video, email, and management of the parish address database). Through use of these media, this PMT seeks to provide easily accessible, compelling and informative resources for seekers, visitors, and members of our parish.
- Liturgical Team – Consisting of the Priest, Deacon and Subdeacon, this PMT manages all people and materials necessary to carrying out the liturgical life of the church. The liturgical team trains and schedules Acolytes & Myrrhbearers, cares for the Sanctuary and its furnishings and ensures that all materials necessary to worship are available as needed.
- Liturgical Music Team – Under the leadership of our phenomenal Choir Director and ProtoPsaltis, this PMT works together to lead the congregation in singing all our services, as well as offering Orthodox music within our surrounding communities.